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More Parking, Better Space Utilization, Safe Playgrounds and An Orchard

Since 2005, Gladwyne Montessori School has acquired several adjacent properties with the goal of improving our campus over time. In line with the vision of our Head of School and Board of Trustees, our goal is to design a campus that is appropriately aligned with our Montessori mission and to reduce traffic, on-street parking and other safety issues in Gladwyne Village.

A new application was submitted to Lower Merion Township in November 2017 that includes consolidating some of the 5 rental properties we own to:

  • Enlarge and improve our existing parking lot and Youngs Ford Road entrance;
  • Expanding the Savett Building to fully enclose two areas that will serve as creative work spaces;
  • Reallocate administrative and programming space in existing buildings;
  • Plant over 200 trees and shrubs, including a small fruit orchard, greenhouse and nature trail; and
  • Create unique, age-appropriate outdoor learning and play spaces.

Effective July 26, 2018, the Lower Merion Zoning Hearing Board officially approved the aforementioned application. Consequently, the school is moving forward with its land development plans. 

Click here to view the Zoning Board’s decision granting Gladwyne Montessori’s application for special exception and copies of the Exhibits A-35 and A-36 referenced in the Board’s order.  

If you have any questions related to our campus plans, feel free to contact us at getthefacts@gladwyne.org.

If you are a neighbor and have a specific request and/or issue that you would like to discuss with the school, please complete this form.