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"We are the sowers - our children are those who reap. We labor so that future generations will be better and nobler than we are."

Maria Montessori

Fund for Gladwyne Montessori

Have you ever wondered how we're able to provide your children with all of the great things available for their success? It's because of you!

Your contribution to the Gladwyne Montessori Annual Fund provides direct funding for education initiatives that tuition alone does not cover.

Your gift makes it possible for our teachers to say, "yes!" to a child pursuing a topic of interest.

The Fund for Gladwyne Montessori ensures that our school is not only an extraordinary learning environment for our children, but also an exceptional place of work for our talented teachers and staff.

No gift is too small or too large—your participation, and the sense of community it inspires matters most, benefiting:

AREAS OF GREATEST NEED                                                   
Supports new opportunities and needs as they arise throughout the year.
Supports professional development opportunities and competitive benefits, including Teacher Pensions (previously collected as part of the tuition invoice process).
Supports the purchase of new materials, furnishings and supplies for use in classrooms and in special programs such as P.E., Library, Spanish, Music, Art & Makerspace.
Enables us to offer need-based tuition aid.

Checks may be made payable to "Gladwyne Montessori", and mailed to our address, Attn: Development Office

Donor Advised Funds

We welcome gifts from Donor Advised Funds. Simply direct it to Gladwyne Montessori, 920 Youngsford Road, Gladwyne PA 19035

Credit Cards
Make a one time or recurring gift through Gladwyne Montessori’s online giving form. 

Gladwyne Montessori accepts gifts of stock/securities. Please contact Ahsiya Scovern to request brokerage details.     

Corporate Matching Programs
Maximize your support of Gladwyne Montessori by directing a matching gift through your/your spouse or partner's company. Check with your/your spouse or partner's employer about whether the company participates in an employee giving or matching program, and request the appropriate forms. 

Pledges are accepted year-round. Make a pledge by contacting Ahsiya Scovern.    

Questions about making a gift? Please contact Ahsiya Scovern, Advancement Associate at (610) 649-1761 ext. 112 or ascovern@gladwyne.org.

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Bead Chain Benefactors
$10,000 to $24,999

Montessori Patrons
$5,000 to $9,999

Montessori Partners
$2,500 to $4,999

1962 Founders
$1,000 to $2,499

Montessori Associates
$500 to $999

Montessori Guardians
$250 to $499

Montessori Friends
$150 to $249

Montessori Sponsors
Up to $149